Once an event or venue chooses to work with The Roaring Fork Agency to help them find a corporate sponsor or put together a naming rights deal the following Process will happen:


1.  The Roaring Fork Agency will meet with the event or venue in person or speak to over the phone about their sponsorship or naming rights opportunities.  We will discuss the benefits and costs of each opportunity and begin to put together a strategic plan to sell the sponsorship or naming rights to potential clients. During the initial conversation The Roaring Fork Agency will work with the event/venue to determine the kind and type of companies that will be approached and pitched about the sponsorship or naming rights opportunity and eliminate any specific companies or categories that the event/venue deem to be inappropriate or a bad fit.  At this time the Sponsorship or Naming Rights Sales Contract that will layout the task, duties and commission rate for Roaring Fork will be agreed to and signed by both the event/venue and The Roaring Fork Agency.

2.  The Roaring Fork Agency will then put together a strategic plan to sell the sponsorship or naming rights opportunity and go over it with the event/venue before approaching any companies and then a comprehensive…

Sponsorship or Naming Rights Opportunity Presentation

….will be put together which will be shared with the event/venue and will then be sent out to prospective companies for review once the initial prospect list has been put together after extensive research and discussion with our client.

The Roaring Fork Agency will normally target and contact between….

50 and 100 Companies

…..to send the Sponsorship or Naming Rights Opportunity Presentation to which will then be followed-up with more information and many phone calls to.….

25 to 50 Companies

….and normally The Roaring Fork Agency will in the end formally pitch in person, via teleconference or over the phone to....

5 and 25 Companies

…that have shown interest in becoming involved and partnering with the event or venue.

3.  Once the formal pitches have been completed The Roaring Fork Agency will follow-up with the event/venue on any questions or concerns that were asked by the potential companies about the Sponsorship or Naming Rights Opportunity and once all of those questions or concerns have been satisfactorily resolved for both sides a final Sponsorship or Naming Rights Contract will be put together to be signed by both the event/venue and the company.

The event/venue and the sponsoring company will then completely review the Sponsoring or Naming Rights Contract and once everything has been completely agreed to by both sides the contract will be signed and a new partnership between the event/venue and the company will begin.


The Roaring Fork Agency works on a commission-only basis and gets paid Net 30 Days after a deal has been put together, the contract has been signed by both sides of the sponsorship deal, and the sponsoring company has paid the event or venue.  The Roaring Fork Agency will be paid pursuant to an agreed upon commission rate with the event that will also be detailed in the….

Sponsorship or Naming Rights Sales Contract

….which The Roaring Fork Agency will sign with the event or venue before beginning our work.

If you have any questions about event sponsorship or venue naming rights contact the Roaring Fork Agency at:


Tiburon, California - 415 730 - 4854

Lake Tahoe, Nevada - 775 502 - 9980

Bend, Oregon - 541 728 - 8700


Twitter - @RoaringForkAgcy